Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Blocks with no collision box are considered a valid respawn point

Wxrlds opened this issue ยท 0 comments



Minecraft: 1.16.5
Forge: 36.1.16
Skyblock Builder: skyblockbuilder-1.16.4-1.4.7.jar

Describe the bug
Block with no collision box like signs are considered a valid respawn point

How to reproduce

  1. Create new Skyblock world
  2. Replace the block below the spawn point (the one that's marked when executing /skyblock spawns) with a block without a collision box (Sign, Sapling,...)
  3. Do /kill and you respawn on the block above the sign and fall down one block into the sign.

Expected behavior
The mod should find a valid respawn point as the game also respawns you there if there is only the void below the player.
