Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Initial spawn should not be in the nether dimension

darknesschaos opened this issue ยท 2 comments



Minecraft: 1.16.5
Forge: 36.1.25
Skyblock Builder: 1.16.4-1.6.0
Modpack: N/A

Describe the bug

Creating a new world starts the player in a nether themed world, which has just infinite gray fog and no skybox, using a nether portal brings the player to the overworld.

How to reproduce

  1. Create new world with skyblock world type, this works with the default template.

Expected behavior

The initial spawn should be in the overworld, or have some setting in common-config.json5 to indicate default world.

As an interesting note, if I take an old version of the config file, like from the All The Mods to the Sky modpack (config-1.toml) and use that instead of the common-config.json5 file, the world will generate correctly once, but then any subsequent world generates in the nether type, as the old config was ported over to the new version.


2021-06-08_10 53 39


for some reason the spawn defualt dimension was the_nether I changed it to the overworld and this seems to have fixed the issue


Need to fix the default config.