Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Air blocks in template not preserved

goosewoman opened this issue · 5 comments


Minecraft: 1.16.5
Forge: 36.2.0
Skyblock Builder: 1.6.3
Modpack: no other mods besides libx

Describe the bug
I'm trying to make a stoneblock map with a surface with the preset minecraft:bedrock,250*minecraft:stone,minecraft:lava. But the stone in this preset fills the structure I have which doesn't have any structure void blocks. (default template is the same)

How to reproduce

  1. set surface to true in config
  2. set surfaceSettings to minecraft:bedrock,250*minecraft:stone,minecraft:lava
  3. open a skyblock world with default template
  4. spawn inside stone because the air in the structure isn't preserved.

Expected behavior
the air blocks in the structure don't get replaced by the stone from the worldgen. (see screenshot for vanilla behavior)

Vanilla Structure loading behaviour


I tried your template. I spawned in stone but the structure was created with air. You just forgot to set correct spawn points? Try to find your structure in spectator mode. But I don't understand why it doesn't search for the next valid spawn


Hmm, I did check in spectator mode but the structure was filled with stone blocks for me. Now that I've re-tested it it works fine. I'm not sure what went wrong with my initial tests, I've not changed anything since yesterday.

It was probably a mistake on my part somewhere. But if it happens again I'll let you know. For now we can consider it solved I guess.


Nice to hear :)


Default template doesn’t have any air if I recognize correctly. It’s made with structure void.
The structure from the screenshot doesn’t look like the default template. If you used this instead, please send me your structure and I will test it. I’ll test it with the default template when at home, too.


I've attached the template I made.