Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Island Switching

tmanfoo1 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft version


LibX version


Skyblock Builder version


Forge version


The latest.log file

Issue description

using /skyblock manage islandShape fakeandromeda the command is keeps returning that an unexpected error occured while trying to run the command [is it possible the required capital is messing it up?
[also as a side note, I haven't gone out of my way to try and reproduce, but whenever I add a mod to the modpack and try to join the skyblock world it disconects and says invalid player data [the latest.log says mismatched modchannel list with the new mods I added missing, which is extra weird because it is single player lol]
Additionally I have included my modpack file in case it is some cocktail of mods
Andromeda Automation (3)-2.9 [lightweight for github].zip

Steps to reproduce

  1. generate a new world with my default island
  2. try to change the default island shape using the command, ensuring you have more then one nbt file/config set up
  3. try to change from the first type of island to the second type of island
  4. sadness because it returns an error

Other information

You might need to install my modpack to have it fail properly. I havn't done extended testing with just those two mods!


I fixed the problem with the command. Did not try the other bug yet. However, your log mentioned this line 22: ASM: class dev.architectury.networking.forge.NetworkManagerImpl loggedIn(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent$PlayerLoggedInEvent;)V because Index in line 2 is 22. So, whatever the problem is here, it's triggered by Architectury. If I don't forget it, I will test the other problem here, too.