Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Datapack causing world to freeze/datapack not generating structures

tmanfoo1 opened this issue · 12 comments


Minecraft version


LibX version


Skyblock Builder version


Forge version


The latest.log file


Issue description

The generation freezes at 100% and will not allow users to join the world [caused by lucky blocks] / the skyblock world will not generate structures.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Navigate to the create a world screen
  2. Select worldtype skyblock and ensure that the andromeda is selected
  3. ensure that datapack provided is loaded
    4)Generate world and you will notice that it freezes upon reaching 100%, You can often hear the world around you after waiting a wile, but the screen is never exited and remains frozen.

[this is the test pack I am using without lucky blocks for proof that my structures are not generating]

Other information

No response


Another update. Here is a version of the pack that loads my structures with the approrpiate config and all, still not generating structures


Okay, didn’t look at it. Just woke up and thought I should tell you this that you could use the time while I’m at work.
lucky block: I don’t know.


Which lucky blocks mod do you use?


Do you know which mod causes this? Because I tested it with LibX, Skyblock Builder and Shrines Structures (or whatever the name is) together with your datapack and it generated fine. So, it needs to be an incompatibility or you have wrong biomes set for the structures. You said something about BoP. Maybe normal biomes are missing? I don’t know.
Please find out what’s the real problem and which mod causes this. Otherwise, I’m not able to fix this because I have to less free time to check whole modpacks to find incompatibility. Sorry, i really don’t have the time.


This is a the tiny version pack with the 5 mods necessary to cause issues! that should help you identify the problem!

Also will you be able to fix the lucky block issue?


Okay, didn’t look at it. Just woke up and thought I should tell you this that you could use the time while I’m at work. lucky block: I don’t know.

believe it or not I am trying to make your life a tad easier!

Which lucky blocks mod do you use?

Which lucky blocks mod do you use?



I appreciate your help and your patience. I am trying my best.


so update!! the structures do spawn correctly now. [my minecraft client got corrupt or something. A friend was able to get it working] However the lucky blocks issue still exists!


So.. the only problem is Lucky Blocks now?


actually I am sorry lol. I found out the real issue between me and some of my friends. The reason why the testing was inconclusive is due to some of us selecting the wrong starting island.

So in other words what is actually causing the crash is our starting island being specifically the andromeda and my datapack. For whatever reason they are not getting along well.
Is it possible that since I used the structure saver for the andromeda and normal structure blocks for my other structures it is causing issues? [I know when I tried to use structure saver nbt files in my datapack it crashed it]

Sorry for the confusion. But I found out at least what exactly is causing it


then again I used your structure saver for the normal sized islands as well. It could be a size issue or something...?


Sorry but this issue is a mess. So many different issues combined in this one.
I now close this issue. Please open an issue for each problem you have.
Lucky Block stuff is one issue, the problem with your friend is one issue, and whatever else, I don’t get it anymore.
You can use blank issues for that, I now know your versions. Just a detailed description how to actually reproduce the problem with additional files if needed.