Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Shrines structure datapack freezing at 100%

tmanfoo1 opened this issue · 23 comments


Minecraft version

LibX version

Skyblock Builder version

Forge version

The latest.log file

Issue description
The generation freezes at 100% if my own datapack is selected and the andromeda starting island is selected,
Note. It seems to not happen 100% of the time. About 25% of the time it gets to loading terrain, and about 5% of the time it actually gets into the world! This explains a lot of the confusion, and also makes my theory about structures overlapping with yours more possible

Steps to reproduce

navigate to world selector screen and ensure andromeda is selected

Ensure the datapack is properly loaded as well [ensure we have dependencies, which are biomes o plenty and shrines structures]

Upon generating a world you will notice you never fully get into the game


Other information
No response


The Andromeda island [without lucky blocks installed] is also causing issues with generation. For whatever reason either the Andromeda sky block can be selected OR have my datapack installed. If both are installed it causes frequent freezing on generation


I can't reproduce this, sorry.
And I looked a bit at the files. The andromeda island is 6.89 MB! Wow! You will definitely have problems with that on a server. Or if Sky GUIs is installed. There will be issues with a structure that big.
And yes, some structures may be overlapping with the starting island... I mean... it's 186x163x85 blocks! That's a lot. I know, it probably was a lot of work to create it... I recommend finding a way to provide much smaller island.
And it's not freezing, it's generating the island.


Well since thet can generate separately they should be able to work together. Is there a way tk dida le generation of structures in a radius around spawn?


No, not possible.


Well that sucks. Is there a way to make thr Andromeda ovewrite other structures n cut em off? So it at least generate?


Because I tested this without the other structures from the datapack and it worked fine... what if I add the datapack after the andromeda is generated?


I don't know what exactly happens when the structure overrides. Not sure which order is used for generating. But adding the datapack after it was generated should work I guess.


Do you know of a mod that can make that happen? Or do I just make my users do so manually?


I don't think that any mod would do that because it's odd. I'm sorry, can't help with that.


Hmm how about structure spawn in tools aside from the vanilla load structures?


I mean I tested it like 10 times


you know what is weird.... the andromeda loads fine if you select it as a starting island after you get into the world by changing the default island shape.... I wonder if there is a way to delay when it generates or something


Hmm how about structure spawn in tools aside from the vanilla load structures?

I don’t understand.

you know what is weird.... the andromeda loads fine if you select it as a starting island after you get into the world by changing the default island shape.... I wonder if there is a way to delay when it generates or something

I still have no idea what exactly is the overlap you talk about. Starting island overrides normal structures? That just happens. I can’t change it.


But on startup it isnt...


It's not generating at spawn lol. But it does if I change the island shape to Andromeda and join a team


Which I thought was weird and worth mentioning


Thats the point I'm making


Okay, then I quote myself:

And yes, some structures may be overlapping with the starting island... I mean... it's 186x163x85 blocks!


But like... it's generating properly 100% of the time. And not like just part of a time like normal


So your argument is invalid. They are different in some way ostensibly


If it’s "generating properly 100% of the time", I think it’s fine.


Maybe the structures just don’t generate at 0 ~ 0 (and around). Or it’s not 100% of the time but only the times you tested it.


I close this now because I'm not able to fix it nor is there any other problem here which I could fix.
For detailed answer to this issue, see my first comment from yesterday.