Game freezes upon creating a world
Dimentive opened this issue · 8 comments
My game freezes on the background screen, with no text, when creating a world. Unlike last time (#17), it’s not because of Phosphor, as it happens even when Phosphor is not installed. When removing Skygrid, I can create new worlds just fine. I left my game open on this screen for nearly two hours, but nothing happened, nor did anything new appear in the log afterwards.
This didn’t happen before, but I’ve added a lot of mods to my custom modpack since then, so there’s clearly either one mod or several mods conflicting with Skygrid (although I’m also using a more recent version of Forge). I haven’t modified Skygrid’s config at all, nor have I changed most of the other mods’ configs.
I don’t know what mod is or mods are causing this problem. I hope you’ll figure it out from the log.
- Log with Skygrid (#18) and Placebo (#2) spam lines removed so it’s easier to read: latest.log (3.07 MB)
- Original log (file download since it’s too big for paste sites): latest.log (6.01 MB)
Mod list
(Doesn’t include the library mods like EnderCore, FTB Library, Tesla Core Lib, and so on.)
Long list – Click to expand
- Actually Additions [add-on: Actually Baubles]
- Advanced Rocketry
- Applied Energistics 2 [add-ons: AE2 Stuff, ExtraCells2 (add-on: XCPatch), ME Capability Adapter, PackagedAuto, PlaneFix, Wireless Crafting Terminal, Thaumic Energistics]
- Compact Machines
- Draconic Evolution
- Ender IO [add-ons: Ender IO - Endergy, Loot Capacitor Tooltips]
- Environmental Tech
- Ex Nihilo: Creatio [add-on: Ex Compressum]
- Flux Networks
- Forestry [add-ons: Binnie’s Mods, Career Bees, Gendustry]
- Industrial Foregoing [add-on: Integration Foregoing]
- Immersive Engineering [add-ons: Alternating Flux, Engineer’s Decor, Engineer’s Doors, IE Cloche Compat, Immersive Cables, Immersive Petroleum, Immersive Tech, Industrial Wires]
- IndustrialCraft 2 [add-on: Compact Solars]
- Integrated Crafting
- Integrated Dynamics
- Integrated Terminals
- Integrated Tunnels
- Mekanism [add-on: Gas Conduits]
- Mekanism Generators
- NuclearCraft
- OpenComputers [add-ons: ActuallyComputers, OpenComputers Drivers for Tinkers Construct, RFTools Power / OC Integration, Thaumic Computers]
- Portality
- Psi [add-on: Random PSIdeas]
- Railcraft
- RFTools [add-ons: RFTools Control, RFTools Dimensions, RFTools Power]
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Dynamics
- Astral Sorcery
- Blood Magic [add-ons: Animus, Blood Arsenal]
- Botania [add-on: Botanic Additions]
- Embers Rekindled [add-on: Soot]
- Thaumcraft [add-ons: Thaumic Augmentation, Thaumic Inventory Scanning, Thaumic Periphery, Thaumic Tinkerer]
- Reliquary v1.3
- The Aether (1)
- The Twilight Forest
- Dense Metals
- Netherending Ores
- Skygrid
- Bouncy Creepers
- ArchitectureCraft - ElytraDev Version
- BiblioCraft
- ChineseWorkshop
- Chisel [add-ons: Cathedral, Unlimited Chisel Works]
- Chisels & Bits [add-on: Extra Bit Manipulation]
- Environmental Materials
- Fancy Lamps
- Flat Covered Blocks
- LittleTiles
- MalisisBlocks
- Xtones
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked
- Decocraft2
- Display
- Hats [add-on: Hat Stand]
- More Cauldrons
- Aquaculture
- Bird’s Foods
- Culinary Construct
- Pam’s HarvestCraft
- VanillaFoodPantry Mod
- XL Food Pantry
- Animal Crops
- Farming for Blockheads
- Mystical Agriculture [add-on: Mystical Agradditions]
- Roost
- Woot
- Akashic Tome
- Avaritia 1.1x
- Building Gadgets
- Ceramics
- Horse Tweaks
- Mekanism Tools
- More Buckets
- Morph-o-Tool
- Nature’s Compass
- Not Enough Wands
- Pipe Master 2000
- Redstone Arsenal
- Scannable
- Thermal Cultivation
- Thermal Innovation
- Tinkers’ Construct [add-ons: Construct’s Armory, Pewter, Tinkers’ Complement]
- Demagnetize
- Extra Rails
- Slab Machines
- Super Sound Muffler
- TorchMaster
- Clarity
- Custom Backgrounds
- /dank/null
- Ender Storage 1.8+
- MetalChests
- Storage Drawers [add-on: Storage Drawers Unlimited]
- V0id’s Smart Backpacks
- RedstonePlusPlus
- Charm
- Cyclic
- Dark Utilities
- Extra Utilities 2
- Future MC
- Inspirations
- OpenBlocks
- Random Things
- Rustic
- Quark
- Chunk-Pregenerator
- Effortless Building
- FTB Utilities
- FTB Utilities: Backups
- MemoryTester
- Morph
- OldJavaWarning
- Ore Excavation
- Schematica
- AttributeFix
- Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded
- Better Invisibility
- Bow Infinity Fix
- Client Tweaks
- Clumps
- Colytra
- Diet Hoppers
- Dirt2Path
- Fast Leaf Decay
- Fence Jumper
- IKWID (I Know What I’m Doing)
- Infinity & Mending Unnerf
- [SBM] Jukebox
- Just Sleep
- KleeSlabs
- Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table
- Login Shield
- Mending Fix
- NetherPortalFix
- No Mob Spawning on Trees
- No Night Vision Flashing
- Pam’s Get All the Seeds!
- Pam’s Llama Milking
- PlayersDropHeads
- RandomTweaks
- Realistic Cobwebs
- SlimyBoyos
- SwingThroughGrass
- Trample Stopper
- UniDict
- WAIM - What am I missing?
- Wither Skeleton Tweaks
- Inventory Tweaks
- Mouse Tweaks
- Better Than Bunnies
- Better Than Llamas
- Chunk Animator
- MAGE (Graphical Tweaks)
- Proportional Destruction Particles
- Visuals
- AppleSkin
- Armor Chroma
- Better Advancements
- Controlling
- Crafting Tweaks
- EasierVillagerTrading
- Enchantment Descriptions
- JourneyMap
- Just Enough Items (JEI) [add-ons: Block Drops (JEI Addon), Gendustry JEI Addon, JEI Bees, Just Enough Energistics (JEE), Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC), Just Enough Pattern Banners, Just Enough Petroleum, Just Enough Resources (JER), Just Enough Throwing In Fluids (JETIF), JEI Villagers, Thaumic JEI, Tinker’s JEI]
- Mod Name Tooltip
- More Overlays
- Neat
- Notes
- The One Probe
- TipTheScales
- ToroHealth Damage Indicators
- AntiGhost
- Calm Down Zombie Guy
- RandomPatches
- VanillaFix
- AI Improvements
- BetterFps
- Born in a Barn
- FastFurnace
- FastWorkbench
- FoamFix
- FPS Reducer
- Phosphor
- Placebo
- Surge
- TexFix
- Unloader
- CraftTweaker [add-on: ContentTweaker]
- Custom Main Menu
- Anger Management
- Baubles
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Ding
- ExtraDiscs
- FTB Quests
- Hunger Presistence
- It’s the little things
- JAOPCA [add-ons: JAOPCAAgriculture, JAOPCASingularities]
- Spice of Life: Carrot Edition
- Tomb Many Graves 2
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- Skygrid: 1.3.1 (latest)
The only thing I can think of right now is that the generation does not find any existing random block because none of them exist and gets caught in an endless loop, but I thought I specifically added a break condition to prevent that, will do some testing
I uploaded an alpha update (may show not in some launcher but you can find it on curseforge),
including some changes I made since the last update.
Would be helpful if you could try out this version and tell me if anything changes
My game still freezes when creating a new world with 1.4 installed, unfortunately.
I will try to fix it as soon I'm able to, but right now I've got no idea what this is caused by
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All right. I hope you manage to fix it. I’m currently developing a modpack that focuses on this mod, and I’m not able to playtest it when Skygrid isn’t working. However, I’m currently working on recipes and configs, so I can make do with it disabled for now.
Thank you so much for creating Skygrid and responding to all the issues, by the way. I’m a big fan of the mod!
Thank you
Do you have any kind of pack download so I'm am definitely on the same ground as you are when I test a bit around?
No need. After hours (it takes a long time to load an instance with over 300 mods) of deleting and re-adding mods from my instance to narrow it down to what could be causing the problem, I figured it out: Quark.
Quark was the cause of my game freezing upon creating a new world. It wasn’t a bug in your mod. The bug has actually been fixed, too. I was using version r1.5-148 of Quark, and it was fixed in the very next version, r1.5-149, which I hadn’t installed yet.
From its changelog:
- World: Fixed a game freeze on void worlds.
So, there you have it. After updating Quark, my game no longer freezes on creating a Skygrid world.
Mystery solved! 🙌