Slimier Slimes

Slimier Slimes


what an odd issue

Anhilowasntavailabewhotookit opened this issue ยท 2 comments


upon downloading, slimes just.... stop spawning in superflat worlds. in normal worlds, theyll spawn in their designated areas just fine, but in superflats, you have to spawn em in yourself. even in difficultys other than peaceful. i have no idea if this is a good or bad thing, cus those slimes DID get in the way a lot, but i just wanted to know if this was intentional.


This was indeed intentional. I hated when I was testing in flat worlds and slimes would pop up everywhere. Couldn't always do peaceful either. If you need this back, I can arrange that, I guess. But do you really want it? :p


maybe make it a toggle?