Players cannot open Snail Boxes and Op's cant see addresses (or even send them) Snail Boxes do not register Owners
Foxnymous opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Describe the bug
Players cant access snail boxes despite making it and placing it down on 1.19
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create Snail Box
- Right Click SnailBox
- If OP cant see address of Snailbox and cant send messages in SnailBox
What we get
Expected behavior
Players access SnailBox and are able to send mail
- Minecraft Version: 1.19.0
- Architectury API Version: 5.14.84
- Platform (Forge/Fabric): Fabric
- Fabric Loader Version: 0.14.22
- Fabric API Version: 0.58.0 + 1.19
- Mod Version: 1.19-1.1.0