Snow! Real Magic! ⛄ (Neo/Forge)

Snow! Real Magic! ⛄ (Neo/Forge)


Server Crashes on Startup

kornfan6589 opened this issue · 3 comments


Running SnowRealMagic 1.15.2 1.7.4
Forge 31.1.46
Mixin bootstrap 1.0.2

Try to start server and it closes rather quickly. Below is the debug log because it doesnt generate a crash report; i dont think it gets that far in startup to do so.

if i remove just snowrealmagic server starts without issue


I can't reproduce this with snowrealmagic only


its because im dumb and was missing kiwi, didnt realize it was a dependency


its listed as a dependency on curseforge but only if you click individual files and scroll alllll the way down. maybe add a note on the main page description for other idiots like me. or if it is there make it bold because i didnt see it lol