Sodium Reloaded (Unofficial)

Sodium Reloaded (Unofficial)


Game Crashed In Build #823 and Later but Build #816 doesn't(Seems mixin problem)

NewbieXvwu opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Version information

mc1.18.1-rc1-0.4.0-alpha5+build.823 or later

Reproduction Steps

When I'm using Sodium build #823 or later builds,game crashed when it's starting.
However, the game can still run normally with build #818.
I used other mods at the same time.You can find them in my "latest.log".
Don't be surprised if my words don't conform to the grammatical norms. I am not a native speaker of English.Sorry.

Crash Report file

Game seems doesn't spawn a crash report in "crash-reports" folder.Maybe it's because game crashed when it's still starting.

Additional information

I discussed this problem with others. It seems that the injection of mixin has caused this problem.


problem: architectury.mixins.json:client.MixinScreen target net.minecraft.class_437 was loaded too early

Not sodium related


But if I don't use Sodium build # 823 or later,it doesn't happen
If I use Sodium build # 816,it doesn't happen too
It's a compatibility problem


Compatibility with other mods in dev builds is never guaranteed. This is invalid.