Memory leak on latest and 0.3.1
natopotato390 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Version information
sodium-fabric-mc1.17.1-0.3.2+build.7 (Latest directly from Curseforge, multiple older versions tested as well)
Expected Behavior
Ram usage to hang around the target 2gb max set in launch options.
Actual Behavior
This issue makes playing with sodium mod for longer periods a problem
Here's minecraft's ram usage at the start:
Usage roughly 30 minutes later:
Doesn't matter if I don't even load into game and just sit on the menu, it does not stop climbing
Loading into an overworld or a void world doesn't make a difference
(it does seem to climb a lot slower when on the main menu)
Issue doesn't happen in any other client, vanilla/optifine/forge, or just fabric without sodium loaded
JVM Args: -Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
(just default what minecraft launcher auto puts in there)
I tried pretty much every setting combination in the advanced tab, no difference
I also went back and tried the older 2 versions for 1.17.1, 0.3.1 had the same issues
0.3.0 worked as normal, game sat around the 2gb area the whole time with no noticeable increase
Nothing really different stood out, but here's client logs for each
latest 0.3.0.log
latest 0.3.1.log
latest 0.3.2.log
I can absolutely provide any more debug info needed, just let me know.
Reproduction Steps
-Running on Fabric loader 1.17.1 version 0.11.7
-Load with either Sodium 0.3.1 or 0.3.2 solely
-Opening up task manager and looking for javaw.exe in the details tab, watch the usage slowly climb.
-Being in game seems to make it climb faster (possibly, more testing needed)
-For some reason beyond my know how about this stuff the processes tab does not always show the correct full usage amount (It does however display the correct system usage %)
-Usage will continue to climb to the point of making your system bug out from all the fun things 100% ram usage causes
Java version
Java 16.0.1
Ryzen 5 2600
GTX 1660 Ti
Additional information
Windows 10, 16GB 2400mhz ram (2x8gb)
Probably a result of the new pre-rendered frames limit in Sodium 0.3.1. It was fixed in another branch but hasn't yet been backported.
I noticed that too. My system went down after a long time of playing. The game used 10GB of ram at last. Btw this issue occurs in the latest version of iris too
Should be resolved in Sodium 0.3.3. Please ask for this issue to be re-opened if you are still experiencing a memory leak in Sodium 0.3.3.