Inconsistent crash when breaking tile entities or killing entities
theboo opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
I had a new superflat world and placed down the new apotheosis enchantment library block, when i broke it i client crashed to desktop. We also had someone playing using e6 dev branch report on our github tracker with the same error killing a mob in the nether. That issue and info is located here: EnigmaticaModpacks/Enigmatica6#3186
I should mention that i was in a peaceful superflat world(no mobs with backpacks) and no backpack was ever used in that world
Crash log if it's a crash.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
i have not been able to reproduce this, but it seems breaking a tile entity or killing a mob in a new world might cause it?
forge 36.2.0
pack version:
enigmatica 6 latest dev branch
This is fixed as part of fix for #232