Sophisticated Backpacks

Sophisticated Backpacks


Left shift not showing any items

lalamas97 opened this issue · 4 comments


Hello , I have had this problem for a quite a while . I have downloaded Better Minecraft modpack for 1.16.5. I have started playing it and everything was perfectly fine with Sophisticated backpack . When I clicked left shift I could see all of my items in my backpack. Then out of nowhere one day I stopped seeing any items . The whole frame , where I could see my items shifted out of the screen . The only thing I can see right now is : contentsUuid and some number . I can not see any items . Right now I am playing on the version 1.16.5- .
Can somebody please help me Fix this problem ?
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You're welcome and closing this ticket...




that looks like you have full nbt being displayed and perhaps even more than that - sounds like a mod adds this functionality and maybe it adds it to just advanced tooltips. try F3 + h and see if it goes away


Oh my Yes ,it worked . Thank you so much