Sophisticated Backpacks

Sophisticated Backpacks


[1.16.5] Ticking player with magnet upgrade

khaos99X opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
Having a problem with backpack when it has magnet upgrade and I can not narrow down what might be causing it besides the crash log mentioning the backpack magnet as it would work any other time without it. However when have it upgraded would immediately lock up and crash if I go to kill mobs rapidly.
Playing on a modpack called Age of Fate through curse

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install magnet upgrade
  2. kill mobs
  3. See error

Mod version that you're using. Version of forge may also be helpful in some cases
1.16.5 MC
36.2.39 Forge
1.16.5- Sophisticated Backpack


Fixed in the latest version of SB on curseforge