Sophisticated Storage

Sophisticated Storage


Tag filters randomly clear

brisingraerowing opened this issue ยท 5 comments


As per title. Sometimes a filter of any sort set to tag mode will clear the list. I have not found any real consistent method to reproduce this. I am not seeing this with Sophisticated Backpacks. Other filter modes don't clear.

Sophisticated Core:
Sophisticated Storage:
Minecraft: 1.18.2
Forge: 40.1.54


this is fixed in the latest release


I have actually found the issue in the meantime so this will be fixed in the next release


It seems completely random. I have switched between Creative and Survival a few times, and I know there was an issue with that clearing NBT stuff in 1.12.2 (not sure if that ever was changed). I think it was related to share tag differences between game modes.


I will need step how to recreate as I have never seen this happening and haven't heard from anyone else regarding this and don't want to spend loads of time trying to recreate something I may not.


I have tried a few things but can't recreate so I need more info / detailed steps on how