Sound Physics Remastered

Sound Physics Remastered


Server restarts out of nowhere.

KdGaming0 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Bug description
My server restarts out of nowhere when the mod is installed.
I can fly around on the server for hours and everything is fine until suddenly it restarts. after that it can happen many times in a row before it stops.

Expected behavior
The server not restarting out of nowhere.

Logs for server. You won't find anything it restarts without anything in the console

Screenshot 2023-08-07 125357
Screenshot 2023-08-07 125339
I also have this mod but not in the pictures.

  • 1.20.1
  • 0.14.22 fabric
  • 1.1.2

Logs from when I had the 1.1.1 version of the mod installed then I got an error in the console. The exact same thing happens.

Can't find the log file but her is a copy of what I gave chat gpt

Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_4224 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_4224)
@mixin target net.minecraft.class_4224 was not found sound_physics_remastered.mixins.json:ChannelAccessor from mod sound_physics_remastered
Mixing common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2540
Renaming synthetic method lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/EncoderException; to mdbdee16$nochatreports$lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports
Renaming synthetic method lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/DecoderException; to mdbdee16$nochatreports$lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0$1 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports
Mixing server.MixinServerGamePacketListenerImpl from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3244


Posing it in plain text is basically unreadable.


Posing it in plain text is basically unreadable.

Sorry, don't have the log file. but want to know what are the advantages of having it on the server.


The only thing the mod does on the server is send sounds to the player that are further away.


The only thing the mod does on the server is send sounds to the player that are further away.

Tanks fund a crash report but ar not 100% sure it's a crash from the mod or something else.

here is the chat gpt recommended that I did to fix

Based on the provided log, it seems that there is an error related to mixin transformations in the server. Mixins are a technique used to modify the behavior of classes without directly editing their source code. This error suggests that there might be an issue with the mixin configuration or the mod that uses mixins.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially fix the issue:

Check the Mod: sound_physics_remastered: The error mentions that the mixin target net.minecraft.class_4224 was not found in the mod sound_physics_remastered. First, ensure that the mod is installed correctly, and it is compatible with the version of Minecraft you are running. Check for any updates or patches for the mod.

Check Mixin Configurations: If you have multiple mods using mixins, it's possible that there might be a conflict between them. Verify the mixin configurations and ensure that there are no naming conflicts or errors in the JSON files.

Update or Remove Problematic Mods: If the issue started after adding a specific mod, try updating it or removing it to see if the problem goes away. Sometimes, mods might cause issues due to outdated or incompatible code.

Check for Crash Reports: If the server crashed, it might generate a crash report. Look for crash reports in the server's directory and examine them for more specific information about the error.

Verify Minecraft Version and Server Software: Make sure that the version of Minecraft you are running matches the required version for the mods you have installed. Additionally, ensure that you are using the correct server software (e.g., Spigot, Paper, Forge, etc.) that is compatible with your mods.

Consult the Mod Developer or Community: If the issue persists and you can't identify the problem, consider reaching out to the developers of the problematic mod or seeking help on Minecraft modding forums or community channels.

Remember that debugging complex mod interactions can be challenging, and sometimes it might require trial and error to identify the cause of the issue. It's essential to back up your server data before making any significant changes to avoid data loss.

If you encounter any specific error messages or crash reports, providing that information would be helpful for further troubleshooting.


Yeah this error is not caused by the mod.


ok tanks do you now what the reason for it is. because it only happens with this mod.


Sound Physics is a client side mod. It's not needed on the server. Despite this, I can't see any errors related to the mod.


Sound Physics is a client side mod. It's not needed on the server. Despite this, I can't see any errors related to the mod.

There are no advantages to having it on the server as well. From what I have noticed, it seems that it works a little better with it on the server, with the sound working in my house and not just in caves.

forgot to add the logs that I gave chat gpt when I had the 1.1.1 version installed her.

Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_4224 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_4224)
@mixin target net.minecraft.class_4224 was not found sound_physics_remastered.mixins.json:ChannelAccessor from mod sound_physics_remastered
Mixing common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2540
Renaming synthetic method lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/EncoderException; to mdbdee16$nochatreports$lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports
Renaming synthetic method lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/DecoderException; to mdbdee16$nochatreports$lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0$1 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports
Mixing server.MixinServerGamePacketListenerImpl from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3244


Can you please send me the full logs as a file?


Can you please send me the full logs as a file?

Can't find it. Here is a copy of every thing I gave to chat gpt this was whit the 1.1.1 version. the error is not there whit the 1.1.2 version. And what are the benefits of having it on the server?

Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_4224 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_4224)
@mixin target net.minecraft.class_4224 was not found sound_physics_remastered.mixins.json:ChannelAccessor from mod sound_physics_remastered
Mixing common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2540
Renaming synthetic method lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/EncoderException; to mdbdee16$nochatreports$lambda$onWriteJsonWithCodec$1$0 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports
Renaming synthetic method lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0(Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/DecoderException; to mdbdee16$nochatreports$lambda$onReadJsonWithCodec$0$1 in mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:common.MixinFriendlyByteBuf from mod nochatreports
Mixing server.MixinServerGamePacketListenerImpl from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3244
[Dynmap]: Mod Support API available
Loaded fabric-tab
Loading extensions...
Loaded 0 extension(s)
Compression will use libdeflate (Linux x86_64), encryption will use OpenSSL 1.1.x (Linux x86_64)
Default JVM text encoding is: UTF-8
Reading config file NoChatReports/NCR-Common.json...
Writing config file NoChatReports/NCR-Common.json...
Reloading reverb parameters
Done initializing TabTPS.
Compatibility version 17
Loading plugins
Loaded 3 plugin(s)
Initializing plugins
Initializing Simple Voice Chat integration
Initialized 3 plugin(s)
Registering events for enhancedgroups
Registering events for sound_physics_remastered
Registering events for vcinteraction
Successfully initialized antixray on fabric
Krypton is now accelerating your Minecraft server's networking stack ๐Ÿš€

MCDiscordChat (MCDC) 2.2.0
By Xujiayao
[19:46:46] [main/INFO]:
More information + Docs:

Login Successful!
JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO21:46:47
Connected to WebSocket
Finished Loading!
[ConsoleLog]: Starting new ConsoleLogListener
[ConsoleLog]: Listening to new latest.log
Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[Dynmap]: Register commands
Loaded 7 recipes
Loaded 1271 advancements
Mixing server.MixinDedicatedServer from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3176
Mixing server.MixinPlayerList from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_3324
Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 1.431 ms
Server thread/INFO21:46:50
[Dynmap]: Added 20 custom biome mappings
[Dynmap]: Using fabric-permissions-api for access control
Starting minecraft server version 1.20.1
Loading properties
Default game type: SURVIVAL
Generating keypair
Starting Minecraft server on
Using epoll channel type
Preparing level "world"
[Dynmap]: Mod Support processing completed
[Dynmap]: Loaded 28 shaders.
[Dynmap]: Loaded 83 perspectives.
[Dynmap]: Loaded 22 lightings.
[Dynmap]: Starting enter/exit processing
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:46:53
[Dynmap]: Finish marker initialization
Server thread/INFO21:46:54
[Dynmap]: Web server started on address
[Dynmap]: version 3.6 is enabled - core version 3.6-899
[Dynmap]: For support, visit our Discord at
[Dynmap]: For news, visit or follow
[Dynmap]: To report or track bugs, visit
[Dynmap]: If you'd like to donate, please visit or
[Dynmap]: Loaded 3 maps of world 'world'.
[Dynmap]: Loaded 2 maps of world 'DIM-1'.
[Dynmap]: Loaded 2 maps of world 'DIM1'.
[Dynmap]: Loaded 177 pending tile renders for world 'world'
[Dynmap]: Full render for world 'world' restored
[Dynmap]: Register events
[Dynmap]: Enabled
Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
Netty Epoll Server IO #1/INFO21:46:58
Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatCommandPacket from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7472
Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatPacket from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2797
Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatSessionUpdatePacket from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_7861
Preparing spawn area: 0%
Preparing spawn area: 70%
Server thread/INFO21:47:02
Time elapsed: 5812 ms
Done (11.110s)! For help, type "help"
Mixing common.MixinServerStatus from mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.class_2926
Took 31ms to boot Floodgate

[19:47:02] [Server thread/INFO]:
Server thread/INFO21:47:02
Loading Geyser version 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT (git-master-7b409fd)
[19:47:02] [Server thread/INFO]:
Server thread/INFO21:47:02

Started Geyser on
Done (3.166s)! Run /geyser help for help!
Added 0 persistent groups
Using server-ip as bind address:
Server thread/WARN21:47:05
Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 3334ms or 66 ticks behind
Voice chat server started at
Server thread/INFO21:47:05
[Dynmap]: Loaded 135 pending tile renders for world 'world'
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:47:06
[Dynmap]: Loading default resource pack
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 60900 tiles rendered (191.81 msec/tile, 151.33 msec per render)
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61000 tiles rendered (191.77 msec/tile, 127.47 msec per render)
User Authenticator #1/INFO21:47:45
UUID of player Kd_Gaming1 is b3ac1fe2-a449-4c48-bceb-8d2006f2cdaf
Server thread/INFO21:47:46
Kd_Gaming1[/]: logged in with entity id 199 at (1131.5520503241116, -58.0, -345.2812018903239)
Using Fabric Permissions API
Kd_Gaming1 joined the game
Received secret request of Kd_Gaming1 (17)
Sent secret to Kd_Gaming1
Successfully authenticated player b3ac1fe2-a449-4c48-bceb-8d2006f2cdaf
Successfully validated connection of player b3ac1fe2-a449-4c48-bceb-8d2006f2cdaf
Player Kd_Gaming1 (b3ac1fe2-a449-4c48-bceb-8d2006f2cdaf) successfully connected to voice chat
User Authenticator #2/INFO21:47:59
UUID of player P00 is 1fd13887-ff41-42fe-afe1-b187e6201957
Server thread/INFO21:47:59
P00[/]: logged in with entity id 489 at (598.4610754480562, 252.03038462360283, 608.083799576171)
P00 joined the game
Unknown or incomplete command, see below for error
spark tps<--[HERE]
Received secret request of P00 (17)
Sent secret to P00
Successfully authenticated player 1fd13887-ff41-42fe-afe1-b187e6201957
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:48:01
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61100 tiles rendered (191.81 msec/tile, 133.83 msec per render)
Successfully validated connection of player 1fd13887-ff41-42fe-afe1-b187e6201957
Player P00 (1fd13887-ff41-42fe-afe1-b187e6201957) successfully connected to voice chat
Server thread/INFO21:48:05
Mean tick: 14ms increasing chunk view distance to: 20
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:48:21
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61200 tiles rendered (191.83 msec/tile, 140.33 msec per render)
Server thread/INFO21:48:35
Mean tick: 25ms increasing simulation distance to: 15
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:48:37
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61300 tiles rendered (191.78 msec/tile, 135.23 msec per render)
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61400 tiles rendered (191.72 msec/tile, 130.41 msec per render)
Server thread/INFO21:49:05
Mean tick: 21ms increasing chunk view distance to: 21
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:49:11
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61500 tiles rendered (191.69 msec/tile, 130.65 msec per render)
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61600 tiles rendered (191.66 msec/tile, 130.36 msec per render)
Server thread/INFO21:49:35
Mean tick: 22ms increasing simulation distance to: 16
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:49:46
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61700 tiles rendered (191.63 msec/tile, 129.57 msec per render)
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61800 tiles rendered (191.59 msec/tile, 128.52 msec per render)
Server thread/INFO21:50:05
Mean tick: 19ms increasing chunk view distance to: 22
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:50:21
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 61900 tiles rendered (191.58 msec/tile, 129.16 msec per render)
Server thread/INFO21:50:35
Mean tick: 18ms increasing simulation distance to: 17
Dynmap Render Thread/INFO21:50:38
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 62000 tiles rendered (191.53 msec/tile, 128.58 msec per render)
[Dynmap]: Full render of map 'flat' of 'world' in progress - 62100 tiles rendered (191.48 msec/tile, 127.82 msec per render)