Sound Physics Remastered

Sound Physics Remastered


[Bug] Immersive portals "phantom sounds"

AlienXtream opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Bug description
Due to how immersive portals works it seems that sound physics sometimes gets sounds from the pseudo-dimension (the invisible one that IP uses to render the portals) and applies the calculations to them (most notably reverb). this is NOT immersive portals "sound through portals" as not only is the sound not from the portal, it also occurs when this feature is disabled. i fully understand that this is a non trivial issue and, without insanely expensive path tracing techniques, may be impossible. it is, however, a bug and thus i am reporting it. the provided video should illustrate the issue adequately (even if not perfectly). obviously i cant realistically show it "working" with sound physics off as, well, you know... nothing happens...

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. with IP installed disable "sound through portals" in IP configs (client) and light nether portal.
  2. wait for sounds. somewhat hit and miss but sometimes nether mobs can be heard in the overworld. probably the inverse would be true however it may be harder to notice.
    Expected behavior
    sound physics to respect immersive portals config setting and "culled" chunks and behave consistently compared to sound physics being disabled

Log files


  • 1.20.1
  • Fabric - any 1.20.1 version
  • 1.2.1

Other mods
Immersive portals
Screenshots (Optional)
"screenshots"... technically... XD