


Show data for select period of time

hafarooki opened this issue · 1 comments


Similar to how aikar timings lets you see data for a specific interval


See my reply on Discord.

MicleBrick (حميد) - Yesterday at 23:08
How do you limit the spark thing to a specific timeframe, like you can with timings?

Russian - Yesterday at 23:43

MicleBrick (حميد) - Today at 00:28
@russian no, i mean if you have it running for 60 minutes, only show data for the time from 40 minutes after start to 50 minutes (as an example)

Russian - Today at 01:16
oh like view data in a specific range... i do not think so
dont think it exists

MicleBrick (حميد) - Today at 01:59
Luck ?

Luck - Today at 09:37
you should only be running it for 1-3 minutes at a time

There's no need to refine the time period, you should only be running it for short periods anyway.

Furthermore, the profiling data shown in the web is just a snapshot. It would exponentially increase the upload size if a time breakdown was included as well for each record.