Sparks Hammers

Sparks Hammers


"Modded" Hammers disappeared in update

davqvist opened this issue ยท 10 comments


I just updated from 1.7.1 to 1.8.0 and all the "modded" hammers like Copper, Tin, Silver, Lead, etc. don't exist anymore. Is there anything I need to do to re-enable them? I couldn't find anything in the change log.


Hmm strange, it's possible I messed something up.
Can you try delete (or just move it if you want to keep any changes you may have made) your customTools.json and then open MC again?


I deleted it and restarted the pack, tools were still missing.


Interesting. Can you please list what mods you have installed and send my your logs for that restart right after you deleted the customTools.json?


Also, did the customTools.json re-create with all of those other modded materials in there?


It did regenerate


Cool, yeah I can also see from the logs that the tools were generated:
[16:10:21] [main/INFO] [Spark's Hammers]: Spark's Hammers: Reading custom tools from json file...
[16:10:21] [main/INFO] [Spark's Hammers]: Spark's Hammers: Firing RegisterToolEvent for other mods
[16:10:21] [main/INFO] [Spark's Hammers]: Spark's Hammers: Collected 0 tools from other mods
[16:10:21] [main/INFO] [Spark's Hammers]: Spark's Hammers: Creating json file with 36 tools...
[16:10:21] [main/INFO] [Spark's Hammers]: Spark's Hammers: Finished creating json file

I'm not sure what the issue is... sounds like the items simply aren't being registered but I don't see how.
I'll have to take a look at this when I have some time, but a heads up that I won't be able to until Tuesday :( So unfortunately I recommend downgrading back to 1.7.1 until I can fix this if you want those other tools.


Also trying to modify the CustomTools file causes the game to crash:


Ah yeah the recipe for the Size Upgrade needs Stone Hammers, so since you removed that hammer, the recipe errors. As a work around for now, you either need to add the Stone Hammer back in or remove the Powered Hammer.

Please can put that in a new issue though? It's not related to this one at all and it'll help me keep track of these when I get round to fixing them.


Fixed in commit 747f2d6