Spartan Weaponry

Spartan Weaponry


forge ingots

gittyboy30 opened this issue · 2 comments


so, there's a problem with the ores where when you hover over some/most of the weapons same with the Spartan shields any answers.

Screenshot (17)
Screenshot (18)


Yeah basically this. This mod doesn't provide any ingots to make said weapons. It just adds compatibility with pre-existing ingots from other mods.
You'll need to install a separate mod (or mods) that add these ingots for this message to disappear.
There is also a config option that allows you to hide any weapon with invalid recipes if you don't want to see this message. You can find it in the "spartanweaponry-common.toml" file in the config folder of your mod instance. Look for the value "force_show_disabled_items" under the "jei" category.
Closing this issue as this is intended behavior.


Those are modded materials and that text means that there's no mod adding the corresponding ingot, try to instal a mod with those(immersive engineering for example) to see if the text dissapears