Spartan Weaponry

Spartan Weaponry


Scythe cannot use sweeping attacks on players when using Better Combat

shardskye opened this issue ยท 0 comments


In Better Combat, weapons with sweeping attacks are able to hit mobs that are out of the player's direct view; i.e., hitting a zombie when you aren't looking directly at it. This works with the scythe, but not when used against players, for some reason. Me and my friend were PVP'ing when I realized this. I will add a video when I can, since I would like to demonstrate the issue. I don't have any friends online right now so I can't record it with them.
(I also have Combat Roll installed, so this is all just an excuse for me to able to blitz past people will slicing them apart.)
Addition; I do not know if this is an effect on other weapons, since I didn't use any others. I will make sure to test that when I next can as well.