Mark 4.0.0b2 as compatible with 1.12.2?
josephcsible opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Can you mark version 4.0.0b2 as compatible with 1.12.2 on CurseForge? It seems to work fine when I install it manually there.
(Side note: Is there any more work you want to get done before a non-beta 1.12.2 release? If so, I can probably PR a lot of it for you.)
4 is marked as beta mostly due to a lack of testing.
Unfortunately, most of my time has been spent on other projects recently, and it's pretty fair to call this project abandoned. It's been more than a year since I last touched the partial rewrite.
I've updated the the file on CurseForge. If someone wants to take the project and demonstrates ability to do so (likely by either finishing the kt branch or porting to 1.13), I'm perfectly happy to transfer the repo and/or the curseforge project (if such a thing can be done) or just edit in a "now succeeded by". I'm just not really all that interested in the time investment this project represents anymore.