


[BUG] Game crashes when loading world sometimes

oudehenky opened this issue · 3 comments


When loading a world the game crashes sometimes for unknown reasons, it appears theres an illegal character somewhere but it's still inconsistent to reproduce

Load a world and there's a chance it happens, I dont know WHAT causes it exactly.

The game loads normally

Spectrum 1.7.0


https://gnomebot.dev/paste/1161611531084124212 (crash report)


The crash sadly is not caused by Spectrum, so I can't immediately help with that.

The crash seems to stem from an attempt to fix the vanilla bug MC-144761 (Particle Sprite Interpolation ignoring Alpha Channel). One of the mods that does this is Incubus Concern, which is bundled with Spectrum. Best to report the crash there.

This is the first time I'm seeing a crash like this, so it may also stem from a cross mod incompatibility? If you want to, try gradually removing mods until the crash does not occur anymore. But since you already mentioned the crash is only a chance, this may be very frustrating :<

Technical Info about the Crash:
net/minecraft/class_1058 => net/minecraft/client/texture/Sprite
net/minecraft/class_1058$class_4728 => Yarn: net/minecraft/client/texture/Sprite$Interpolation
net/minecraft/class_7764$class_4728 => Yarn: net/minecraft/client/texture/SpriteContents$Interpolation


Here's another crash report w/o NEC just incase its needed



misclick 😭