


[BUG] Server crash without FTBChunks

Kisuny opened this issue · 4 comments


Describe the bug
When a player tries to put light with the staff of light the server crashes.

The reason is that I removed the FTBChunks mod, for many reasons, but we still have the mod ftb-xmod-compat-fabric-1.2.3 for REI compat and FTB quests compat, removing ftb-xmod-compat-fabric-1.2.3 solves the problem, but we need it…

Minecraft version

Mod version

Crash Report



The cause of the crash is pretty much what you described already and lies in ftb-xmod-compat-fabric.
What happens here is:

  1. Player places block
  2. Spectum asks CommonProtectionAPI if the player is allowed to place a block there
  3. CommonProtectionAPI asks ftbxmodcompat
  4. ftbxmodcompat wants to ask FTBChunks, but since that mod is not present, you get a crash

To resolve that issue, ftbxmodcompat will need to check if FTBChunks is actually installed, before trying to ask them, or telling CommonProtectionAPI it is able to handle block protection.


@desht, pretty please? I can't open an issue for you, since https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-XMod-Compat does not have a public issue tracker


https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Mods-Issues/issues/ is the central place to create issues for all FTB mods. A separate issue tracker for each mod would be a nightmare to keep track of.

I thought this had been fixed, but it turns out the fix was only applied in 1.20.1. I'll get the fix backported to 1.19 today and get a release out.


Thank you!