[BUG] Most Amphoras break on any left-click
joakibj opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the bug
Wooden Amphoras and Colored Amphoras (from Spectral Decorations) break with a single left-click.
Other late-game Amphoras do not.
Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended/designed.
To Reproduce
- Create an Oak Amphora and place it down in survival
- Left-click it with an empty hand
- Observe that it breaks, dropping all contents
Expected behavior
Amphoras breaking similar to a barrel, faster with an axe.
Can be impractical/frustrating if misclicking when redesigning base/rooms or otherwise interacting with storage.
If working as designed, an entry in the book could inform the player of this feature.
Minecraft version
Mod version