Crush 0.3.2 when loading chunk the world on Quilt 1.20.1
mairangh opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug:
A crash when loading the world. When i re-join the world, everything is fine.
Versions: (BEFORE SUBMITTING A BUG REPORT, make sure you have the most up-to-date versions of Spelunkery, Moonlight Lib and Supplementaries)
Minecraft version: 1.20.1
Spelunkery version: 0.3.2
Moonlight Lib version: 2.7.2
Quilt version: 0.19.5
Other mods:
The list in the crush-report
To Reproduce:
- launched the game
- Uploaded the world.
- I wrote the locate command and found a biome of stone peaks.
- Teleported away.
- I saw chunks that were not being loaded
- Crush
Expected behavior:
Uploaded chunk :)
Как насчет обновления Moonlight Lib до ее последней версии?
I'll try and let you know if there are still failures
How about updating Moonlight Lib to its latest version?