[Request] Mod Compat: Excessive Building's cobbled stone variants
steve-the-player opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Excessive Building by Yirmiri Curseforge | Modrinth creates cobbled stone variants (andesite, granite, diorite, etc), and mining the stone variants drops cobbled whatever, but mining the Spelunkery stone variant ores drops the regular stone variants instead of the cobbled ones
Cobbled by Nyfaria Curseforge | Modrinth adds the same cobbled variants without additional decorative blocks or changes to worldgen
Alternatively, Spelunkery could just add cobbled stone variants itself and then just merge items and recipes if one of the other mods is present.
Additional info:
I think I've got everything covered. Spelunkery should check if the above mods are also installed and drop the relevant cobbled blocks when mining ores.