- 1
Hammer and Chisel breaks non-silk-touchable blocks.
#264 opened by mortuusars - 2
Disable lodestone recipe if Tinker's Construct is installed
#262 opened by MarioSMB - 0
Make mine-o-mite be able to be ignited with fire
#263 opened by NotTohm - 2
Tetra pickaxes don't work to change the faces of sluices.
#260 opened by Graxum - 1
Item compactor compact non-ores
#261 opened by TheWitherer - 11
Disenchanting via shift-right click
#269 opened by cherryblight - 1
The "nephrite_charm" makes the experience become 1.2 times
#270 opened by MonkingRui - 0
Dimensional Tears generate water
#265 opened by NumanSadik - 2
Spelunkery 0.3.10 breaks certain recipes with mushroom tags
#266 opened by Vipibolt - 4
Crash Client 1.20.1
#267 opened by Eriuis - 8
Throwing items causes the game to crash
#268 opened by whydm2003724 - 3
Can't use empty bottle on Crying Obsidian, despite the tooltip saying it should work.
#272 opened by megatrook - 4
Allow Name-Named Items to Be Differentiated in Grindstone Loot Tables
#273 opened by CraftyZombie - 2
Change to Fungus Fanatic advancement
#274 opened by Kelpiesaurus - 1
loot tables adjustment issue
#275 opened by Nuclear-Smile - 1
[Suggestion] Delete related items, blocks and recipes when features are disabled
#276 opened by rafaelkai - 1
Magma Pebbles don't make Villagers mad
#280 opened by SKN360 - 0
Short Blindness effect upon Portal Fluid Teleport
#277 opened by AzuryxxVortex - 3
Farmers Delight Food Compatibility Broken Code
#278 opened by ShikiTochi - 2
Spring Water Texture
#279 opened by ShikiTochi - 1
Oreganized Lead Dust Compat
#286 opened by averagemodenjoyer - 0
Mining master air malachite won't generate
#281 opened by NotTohm - 1
Crafttweaker Compat for Grinding Recipes
#282 opened by averagemodenjoyer - 4
[suggestion] Link nether portals lit with dimensional tears to the nether coords of its original respawn anchor
#283 opened by TheBearodactyl - 1
[Suggestion] Config option for magnetic compass to point to true north in other dimensions
#284 opened by Cephelo - 10
Old Custom Grindstone Recipes Don't Work
#290 opened by Lonemind - 5
Galosphere 1.4+ cause Recovery Compass disappears after death
#291 opened by tr1kright - 0
Alex's Mobs incompatibility
#287 opened by AverageUser67 - 3
cant sluice spring water
#288 opened by tetrazine14 - 1
sluice crawl glitch
#289 opened by tetrazine14 - 3
End covered in Dimensional Tears
#292 opened by PinkLasagna03 - 0
Dedupe portal break sound
#293 opened by Zeykehasnt - 0
Parachute seems to crash game due to failing to render entity and something to do with "getParachuteTicks"
#294 opened by GoobertJoke - 9
EMI Integration is hardcoded
#295 opened by meeprdib - 2
Slimes turning into magma cubes after dying on salt
#297 opened by Sylvv3 - 1
incompatibility with large ore veins deluxe
#298 opened by Killeronduty1 - 0
Endermen don't avoid the pebble projectiles
#299 opened by arcade-smasher - 1
Dimensional tears ocean in End causes any naturally spawning flying entities to crowd at End spawn
#300 opened by flynnvali - 2
Cracked Portal Feature Inhibits Infinite Dimensions Mod From Working
#301 opened by CraftyZombie - 0
Throwing light sticks causes crash
#302 opened by uczpre - 0
Suggestion: Make Slimey Alchemy need a Slime block instead just a Slime ball
#303 opened by rafaelkai - 0
Inkcap mushroom spawning everywhere
#306 opened by Kailgroz - 0
Nether Quartz "Geodes" often generate partly above Nether ceiling
#304 opened by Qwerty97475 - 1
Game crashes on startup because of Spelunkery
#305 opened by gesuyl