formula issue ?
3dEADto2 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
this is my current config:
food: {
// default: hungerValue * power(0.7, timesEaten)
// Must be a valid expression
hunger: hungerValue * max(1 - 0.1 * timesEaten, 0.5)
// default: saturationValue
// Must be a valid expression
saturation: saturationValue
// default: consumeDuration * power(1.3, timesEaten)
// Must be a valid expression
consume-duration: consumeDuration * power(1.3, timesEaten)
// default: 20
// Must be greater or equal to 0
history-length: 5
I would like the hunger value to always decrease by 0.1 to a minimum of 0.5. If you then eat 5 other foods, it should reset itself. However, it doesn't. For example, if I eat 5x pumpkin pie, the hunger value is halved. But no matter how many other foods I eat afterwards, the hunger value of the pumpkin pie no longer normalizes. What am I doing wrong ?