Spice of Fabric (Fabric)

Spice of Fabric (Fabric)


Menu traps you forever as of 1.16

crabdancing opened this issue ยท 3 comments

  • Accidentally click on menu while you're doing something else
  • Click cancel as much as you want, you are not getting out of here.
  • Muahahaha. tweed.cloth.tweed forever.
  • give up and force close MC

Edit: Actually I think this might be something else in my modpack... I'm going to do more testing and reopen if I figure out the problem came from here after all.


Okay, so I think it's caused by this. If I search for the letter c in the modlist thingy, I get trapped instantly. If I spam bksp and Esc at the same time when I get to tweed.cloth.tweed, it will take me to the Spice of Life config menu. But sometimes it just takes me out. Weird bug.


Whoop, guess I'll close this then and follow the discussion in that issue.