Spice of Life: Carrot Edition

Spice of Life: Carrot Edition


Allow grouping foods for milestones instead of eating a set number of foods

Hexicube opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Currently milestones are just eat X unique foods, it would be nice if instead I could group foods (such as every raw crop or every poisonous food) and have the completion of each group grant a bonus (1 heart for all poisonous, 2 hearts for all crops, 5 hearts for enchanted apple, etc.).

Not sure how this would work for a .toml config file, but I assume you could have something like:

baseHearts = 10
groupMode = true

name = "Crops"
hearts = 2
food = ["minecraft:carrot", "minecraft:potato", "minecraft:beetroot"]`

Ideally this would also amend the food book to say things like "Categories: 2/5" instead of the milestone graph and "Crops: 1/3" (name specified in config) instead of "Not yet tasted: 5". Probably also "Categories" pages showing how many hearts each one grants and their progress.

This would also implicitly replace blacklist and whitelist since each group has its own whitelist.


This would be a pretty major change! A cool idea, but I can't say it's likely to happen any time soon for this specific mod; I'm really just maintaining it and porting to new MC versions at this point.


I've ended up making a fork for this, the scale of the change really puts it out-of-scope for what Carrot edition is since you kinda have to manually specify every food and there's no simple milestones anymore.