


Map doesn't update

Agaloth opened this issue ยท 3 comments


After the server runs for 3-6 hours, the map completely stops updating, and the player list, movement, and map updates are completely stopped.

These are the only things shown in the console:
[11:51:49 INFO]: [squaremap] [DEBUG] Finished background render cycle in 0.84 seconds

Here are all my plugins:

[11:56:51 INFO]: Server Plugins (123):
[11:56:51 INFO]: Paper Plugins:
[11:56:51 INFO]:  - MarriageMaster, RoseStacker
[11:56:51 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins:
[11:56:51 INFO]:  - AdvancedEnchantments, AdvancedVanish, ajLeaderboards, *ajStartCommands, Analyse, ArmorTrim, BattlePass, BiomeChanger, BlockLocker, Brewery
[11:56:51 INFO]:  BuycraftX, ChatComplete, ChatSentry, Chunky, ChunkyBorder, Citizens, CMILib, ColoredAnvils, *CommandRegions, CommandWhitelist
[11:56:51 INFO]:  CoreProtect, CyberWorldReset, DeathLocation, DecentHolograms, DeluxeAnnounce, DeluxeCombat, DeluxeMenus, DeluxeSellwands, DeluxeTags, DiscordSRV
[11:56:51 INFO]:  DiscordSRV-Staff-Chat, EliteArmor, EndCrystalNerf, EnderDragonTweaks, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, FarmControl, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FreedomChat, GSit
[11:56:51 INFO]:  HeadDatabase, InteractiveChat, InteractiveChatDiscordSrvAddon, InventoryRollbackPlus, InvisibleItemFrames, ItemCommands, ItemEdit, ItemsAdder, ItemTag, JakesRTP
[11:56:51 INFO]:  JetsAntiAFKPro, KauriVPN, KixsChatGames, LeaderboardRewards, Lib1711, LibsDisguises, LiteBans, LoneLibs, LuckPerms, MapTowny
[11:56:51 INFO]:  mcMMO, McmmoGui, MCPets, MessageSounds, ModelEngine, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, *MVdWPlaceholderAPI, MyCommand, MythicMobs
[11:56:51 INFO]:  NBTAPI, NightMarket, NightVision, OpenInv, PinataParty, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerAuctions, PlayerKits, PlayerPoints, PlayerVaults
[11:56:51 INFO]:  PlayerWarps, PlugManX, ProCosmetics, ProtocolLib, PyroFarming, PyroFishingPro, PyroLib, QuickShop-Hikari, RandomEvents, RankDisplay
[11:56:51 INFO]:  RankupMenu, RoseLoot, SafariNet, *ServerTutorialPlus, ShopGUIPlus, ShopGUIPlus-SellGUI, spark, SpawnerShutdown, SpecializedCrates, squaremap
[11:56:51 INFO]:  *STN-Studios-API, StoreGoal, SuperbVote, TAB, Towny, TownyFlight, TownyMenu, TownyWild, UltimateAutoRestart, Vault
[11:56:51 INFO]:  Vehicles, VentureChat, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, VillagerOverhaul, Votifier, Vulcan, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags, XPBoost
[11:56:51 INFO]:  YamipaPlugin

Here is my server version:
This server is running Pufferfish+ version git-PufferfishPlus-14 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 5fd43eb on HEAD)


This is the last update the map got (1 hour after server restart), it is now 5:15pm so the map hasn't been updated for 14 hours


Update on this, the map stopped updating at the same time today as well


My pull request should fix anyone's squaremap having the same issue, I'm closing this one