Tile foliage colour changes regardless of biome
Brottweiler opened this issue ยท 12 comments
I have generated a new map and generated squaremap and all looked good. Over time as people travel and load chunks, the colour of the foliage (grass, leaves...) changes. It is most noticeable in Savanna biomes because the brown grass turns bright green.
This server is running Paper version 1.21.1-52-master@e08e667 (2024-08-26T18:02:06Z) (Implementing API version 1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
squaremap version 1.2.7
It's weird because in game it's still a savanna
biome. Some backstory, we had a previous world and suddenly I noticed a green tile in a Savanna biome (most noticeable). We were going to reset the world anyway so I thought there was some update of the plugin that caused this, so maybe if I made a new render it would be fine.
Then we made a new world and made a render and it looked fine, until we started playing and we noticed tiles changing colour to bright green.
So it started happening on the old world, and happens immediately on this new world. I have attached the region file that contains the chunk with the pumpkins (as the debug menu tells me) here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w7pam3oc6p1iuf1skf33k/r.0.0.mca?rlkey=12z3qo3bp39ocub8w7sfggod5&st=zicogz99&dl=0
If you run a radius render in that area does it fix itself? If so it's likely another plugin messing with world state in an unsafe manner
I went to the area (where the pumpkins are, the orange pixels top left area) and ran /squaremap radiusrender minecraft:overworld 3 ~ ~
and refreshed the map and the tiles are still coloured wrong.
That implies something is wrong with the world data itself, if you can share the affected region files I can have a look later
Strangely the area rendered fine for me, even after building in it to trigger background renders:
I also tried a second time with spawn chunks disabled to see if there was a difference based on whether squaremap was using an already loaded chunk or requesting the load itself, and it did not make a difference.
What other plugins & datapacks do you have installed? Could you test without them for good measure? Also please share your plugins/squaremap/advanced.yml
and plugins/squaremap/config.yml
I'll do some additional testing soon but I'm the meantime these are my plugins.
[04:14:34 INFO]: - Admin-Chat, Chunky, CommandHelper, CoreProtect, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, FreedomChat, GriefPrevention, GrimAC
[04:14:34 INFO]: InventoryRollbackPlus, LuckPerms, *ModReq, OpenInv, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, squaremap, squaremap-griefprevention, squaremap-vanish, squaremap-worldguard
[04:14:34 INFO]: VanishNoPacket, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
config.txt (it became .txt after I downloaded it from GitHub on phone)
Here's the config (I hope this works because I'm on mobile right now). advanced.yml I have never edited but once I can connect to the server I will share it.
Given my inability to reproduce this so far, I'm not sure. Like I said before it would be worthwhile to test a fresh Paper server with only squaremap installed and one of the problematic region files copied in. This would isolate if it's something to do with the server or your system in general.
Here is advanced.yml
(github doesn't accept uploading yml files). I have never edited it.
Well this is very interesting! I tried modify a chunk and it turned green, so I deleted advanced.yml
and let squaremap generate a new one, then I re-rendered the entire map (deleted the tiles and rendered new ones) and now all savanna is green.
So when I originally rendered the map, savanna had proper colour. Then over time it turned green (plains turned green too, but it was less noticeable). Now when rerendering the map all savanna is green.
Could it still be that a plugin interferes with squaremap?
Hello again, I tried to find time to test this but I never got around to it, but I noticed this very odd thing where the savanna chunks started to become savanna-coloured as people were exploring and updating them again. So I re-rendered the map and now it's correct colour. The only thing that has changed would be the paper version because I occasionally update to a new build... But I will close this for now.
It is starting again, and I'm just posting this here for reference since I still don't know what causes this. But it might not be squaremap since squaremap just reports what it gets from the server. It's really odd..
This server is running Paper version 1.21.1-123-master@aebbdc9 (2024-10-16T14:15:18Z) (Implementing API version 1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
squaremap version 1.2.7