Modifying event-listeners in advanced.yml doesn't seem to actually change rendering.
Kaput82 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I've set ChunkLoadEvent to true in the advanced.yml file, and restarted my server, but as far as I can tell it isn't working. Perhaps I'm not understanding how that is supposed to work, but I assumed as chunks are loaded they would be updated/re-rendered on the map.
If it helps I would like the map to update as players explore further out from spawn, even if they don't specifically break or lay down a block. I also tried setting PlayerMovementEvent to true but that also didn't work they way I had hoped. The world has been pre-generated with chunky, but I don't want to render the whole thing at once as that kind of ruins the fun of exploring.
Yes, your assumption is correct, that is how it is meant to work. Testing locally the ChunkLoadEvent trigger and it's config option both work perfectly fine, I am unable to reproduce the issue you are reporting.
The Discord linked in the readme would be a better place to get further support on this, as the issue tracker is for bug reports and feature requests.