Stack Refill (Fabric)

Stack Refill (Fabric)


Starter Structure not spawn structure

MstDominik opened this issue ยท 5 comments



Minecraft version: 1.21
Modloader: NeoForge
Forge version: 21.0.167
Environment: Singleplayer, coop too

Mod name: Starter Structure
Mod version: starterstructure-1.21.0-3.9


I did everything according to the guide, it doesnt work, i removed worldedit from mod folder and even delete config for this mod, i create world i see starter kit choose it and look around and there is no structure, i even added one more schem(of small vilager home) to config and nothing what i do wrong? pls help

Crash report

not crash its just not spawn


@MstDominik that comment was unfortunately malware, please be careful and scan your pc.

I'll take a look at the issue as soon as I can, thanks for reporting it


Desktop Screenshot 2024 08 27 - 19 04 41 47


Base Profile Screenshot 2024 08 27 - 19 05 18 92
Base Profile Screenshot 2024 08 27 - 19 05 46 90


i have install just this mods and u can see nothing spawns


@MstDominik that comment was unfortunately malware, please be careful and scan your pc.

I'll take a look at the issue as soon as I can, thanks for reporting it

ahh i was guess that was i virus i have best antivirus so my pc is good ty