Stacy's Wolves

Stacy's Wolves


Spawn rate

Awesomepeople4321 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


i'm not sure if the mod is supposed to be like this but i loaded a new flat world and there was at least 1000 wolves around me . I flew around for about ten minutes to see if i had just spawned in an area with a bunch of wolves but i could not find a place where i could even see the ground.


Yeah we're aware of this issue.

Thanks for the report though. ๐Ÿ˜„


ok thanks ๐Ÿ‘


At least it's better than the slimes you normally get :P


I'm hopefully going to dedicate some of this weekend to figuring out how to control the spawns better in general.


Annnnd it should be fixed! I completely rewrote spawning and now the wolves have a spawn cap (separate to the mob spawn cap for most of them except zombie/skele/ender).

Now instead you'll have 50 zombies assaulting the nearest village :P