Stacy's Wolves

Stacy's Wolves


wolves wont spawn

jolielollie opened this issue · 6 comments


ive seen a lot of people comment on this before, saying they only see a few specific dog types in their world, but my issue is weird. no dogs are spawning at all, and even in creative mode, if i try to spawn one in it loads for a second and then the wolf vanishes. im not using the mystic mesa modpack, im using a mixture of my favorite mods all together. do you have any idea whats wrong with my mod?

im using 1.7.10 btw


Hi there, can you check that you're not in Peaceful difficulty? The wolves will automatically despawn when Peaceful difficulty is selected. Fortunately, this can be disabled by editing the stacy's wolves configuration. There is a setting called allowedInPeaceful which is set to "false". Change it to "true" and the wolves will happily survive in Peaceful.

If you're not in Peaceful difficulty we'll have to do some further troubleshooting.


hi! im not in peaceful, i was playing in easy difficulty. (just in case something isn’t compatible) the mods i have along w stacys wolves are: harvestcraft, pokeballs, mrcrayfish furniture, mo creatures, journeymap, extrabiomesxl, inventory pets, doggy talents, copious dogs, craft guide, and treecapitator. are doggy talents and copious dogs issues to run with stacys wolves?


i actually tested my own theory and tried spawning the wolves in a creative mod superflat world and see if there was a difference. the wolves spawned in, both with and without those mods, but in a survival world, which ive been in for about 3 hours now, still shows no signs of wolves. spawning them in w creative mode works but i cant find them naturally. im not sure what the issue is tbh. and also, im assuming the creative world i originally tried spawning the wolves in was in peaceful mode, because neither of these tries showed the same issue.


ok ty! i am super happy to hear that actually, seeing as those mods are some of my favorites. ill run mc in hard and see if anything changes, thanks


You know, I've never actually tried running the mod on easy difficulty in survival. I think one of the effects of easy is reduced entity spawning. Would you try playing in hard for a while and see if you can find a wolf spawning naturally? (this is just a troubleshooting step, if it is the case it gives me a hint on what to do about it).

Doggy Talents and Copious Dogs will most likely never interact with Stacy's Wolves as while the Stacy's Wolves are the same shape as Minecraft wolves, they are actually a completely different kind of entity.


Another thing to keep in mind is that Mo'Creatures ships with DrZhark's Custom Mob Spawner (I assume you have it installed because it says Mo'Creatures mobs won't spawn without it). As it makes changes to mob spawning, it's another possible source of issues spawning anything non-vanilla. I'm not sure how to configure the custom mob spawner as I've only used it in modpacks where someone already did it.