Stalker Creepers

Stalker Creepers


[Feature Request - BattleTowers] Regen tower after X time + config

Codingale opened this issue ยท 4 comments


In the tower explode trigger set a schedule to respawn it after x minecraft days or something.


Battletowers mod has a successor for newer MC, i wont touch it anymore


Mh. While i don't hate the general idea, a worthy implementation would be tricky. I'd like something like the tower "growing back" organically instead of being "stamped" into existence again.

For that matter, the towers should be re-designed so you have to cross each stage to reach the stairs to the next level. Ah, so many ideas, but i am saving what coding motivation i have for the upcoming 1.13 upgrade.


i doubt many will be moving to 1.13 for a while, its too new, almost no mods for it, and huge/popular mods are just not going to be supporting it for a good while. 1.12 could very easily become a sort of 'base' like 1.7.10 did for modding


Considering 1.14 is already on the way, I doubt 1.13 will be "lasting long" lol. My points still stand.