Magical Lectern: Simple mass enchantment storage
branchpanic opened this issue ยท 1 comments
The Magical Lectern will allow players to store large quantities of enchanted books to prevent the classic "10 rows of my storage system full of mediocre enchanted books" problem.
The lectern requires a ring of bookshelves around it with a radius of 2:
X . . . X X = bookshelf
X . O . X . = anything
X . . . X O = magical lectern
The ring doesn't need to be complete and just requires at least 9 bookshelves to be placed in it. The ring can be stacked smeltery-style to increase the storage capacity.
Usage & Behavior
The magical lectern is operated exclusively through a GUI (maybe automation options will be available in the future, i.e. a "lectern interface," but for now it doesn't seem necessary).
It has one slot for I/O. This slot can accept enchanted books or regular books:
- If an enchanted book is inserted, it can be destroyed and have its enchantments stored in the lectern.
- If a normal book is inserted, an enchantment and number of levels can be selected and an enchanted book can be created for a set XP cost.
When an enchanted book is claimed by the lectern, its enchantments are each stored individually. For example, a Power I and Infinity I book would add one level of Power and Infinity each to the lectern.
The lectern can hold an arbitrary number of levels of each enchantment (i.e. storing 100 levels of sharpness), however they can only be extracted to their specified maximum levels (you can't extract a sharpness 10 book).
#75 makes this super easy (all that's needed is a Quantized really, all that's left is a GUI) so this will finally happen.