Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack

Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack


[Enhancement] Add support for "shared inventories" (like bspace from JABA)

Alxandr opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I tried to search the issues for this, as I'm sure I'm probably the not who have had this request, but couldn't find any, so if for nothing else than getting it in the repo, here goes:

I think it would be really great with a bspace like upgrade, where in you could attach it to two drawer-blocks (that had the same number of drawers in them) and it would link the inventories so that they shared content across distance and (possibly with a mk2 upgrade) dimensions. Not entirely sure how it would be best to do the "pairing" of the drawers, but requiring them to be of the same type (not same wood, but 2x2 vs 4x4 for instance) I think this should be fairly doable from a usability perspective (I have no idea about the coding perspective though, as I have way to little experience with minecraft modding unfortunately).


BSpace upgrades have been discussed every so often (mainly in the thread). Though I won't discount it entirely, it's a feature I've been content to leave in the realm of JABBA. There's some balancing issues to consider with controller networks in addition to the complexity of the feature itself.

There is no doubt it would be a useful/powerful feature, and in my own play I have certainly recognized the usefulness of such an addition.


I would like to see this feature, as a suggestion/balance solution, perhaps it should be a special drawer that functions like the chickenboes ender chest, the only upgrades it could support are a color code (like the ender chest, with some sort of privacy option) and possibly the void (this could be handled per drawer and not on the storage its self). I don't feel that increased capacity or extra slots are really necessary, which is why I suggested making it a separate drawer instead of an upgrade.


i have a question about this if you use on some like compacting drawer would you have like share inv where all 3 slots are same or can have different as is can share inv like where compact even further. Like example where you need compress cobblestone you can select what you want share and it where share that but all the invs will still be shared but just different out comes. But i wounder if implementing this cause cpu to cried a bit due to caluations it had to if you have extra utilities and try to make octuple compress cobblestone.