Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack

Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack


Logistics pipes interaction with Storage Drawers issue

ren- opened this issue ยท 2 comments



(Also posted in LP issues)

I started to experience a weird delay when active requesting something from a specific set of drawers vis drawer controller.
It does not matter if it is a crafting recipe that requests an item or me. The item does not move out of the drawers for at least 2-5 minutes.

Request 5 redstone via request table ->(drawer controller is 2 blocks away) the item reaches the table after 5 minutes.

Any ideas? I've tried replacing the table and drawer. The controller is connected with a pipe that has polymorphic itemsink and provider module.

No TPS issues. Maximum of 8ms tick time.

EDIT: Installed crafting monitoring upgrade.
drag to resize or shift-drag to move
It is always stuck at this router ID, takes minutes for it to stay this way, then after 2-8 minutes items start to travel.


The problem was that the pipe connecting to the drawers was too busy. Another was attached to the drawer controller and the issue is gone.


Actually the delay is back again. The longer the server is running, the bigger the delay, after the server restart, the delay is no longer present.