Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack

Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack


[Suggestion] Right-Click Controller Slave to add Items to Network

ssardegna opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Awesome mod!

It would be great if you could interact directly with a Controller Slave to drop items into the network (i.e. by right clicking on the Controller Slave) the same way you can with a Drawer Controller. Right now it seems that items can be added to the network through a Controller Slave only through another block (hopper, pipe, etc.).

I can work around this by adding a hopper on top of the Controller Slave, but this means I have to go through the extra step of going through the Hopper interface.


Throwing my support in for this feature as well. Avoiding the 'bookkeeping' that controllers do while having more than one 'deposit point' would be a big win.


I admit there isn't much reason to not allow this, other than some weird respect to the "slot" visible on the controller proper.


I made a controller slave for this very purpose, only to discover it wasn't possible. :( Seems like it should be simple to add the same right-click functionality that already exists for the Controller itself.