Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack

Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack


[1.12] Drawer Upgrades appearing in the wrong creative tab

SnowShock35 opened this issue · 6 comments


Hi jaquadro,

It appears there's a minor bug in Minecraft 1.12 with the Storage Drawers mod. Here are further details surrounding the issue:

Issue Information

  • Minecraft 1.12
  • Minecraft Forge
  • The One Probe 1.12-5.0.0

Issue Description

The Storage Drawers' upgrades appear in all of the vanilla creative tabs at the very bottom. I believe this has something to do with item sub types now being able to get registered in multiple creative tabs, but I'm not certain.

Issue Media


This just helped me fixing the exact same issue... I had no clue. Thanks :)


It's also worth noting that this occurs with not just your mod, but others such as McJtyMods/TheOneProbe#169.


Oh yeah. I noticed this happening with only the items that implement an item class for multiple variants (notice they're all in groups). Forgot to investigate it before I released.


Fixed in 5.0.1.

Our getSubItems functions need to check the creativeTab property coming in (for which Vanilla provides func_194125_a), because it gets called for each tab now.


Awesome. Thanks jaquadro 👍


Gotta also leave a thank you, one of my mods was having the exact same problem and since you explained the solution it was quick and easy to fix! The real MVP.