Storage Drawers: Natura Pack

Storage Drawers: Natura Pack


Detached Drawer Multiplication Version 1.20.1

Silverbolt666 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Forge Version: 47.3.11
Minecraft version: 1.20.1
Mod Version: Storage Drawers 1.20.1-12.9.10


When detaching a drawer from the storage that is not upgraded, breaking the storage without the drawers, and placing again, the storage respawns drawers.

The storage drawer also loses the ability to show quantified items if this was previously set.

The issue happens on a clean installation

Another issue that was not possible to replicate in a clean installation was the inability to put filled drawers on upgrades storage containers, this happened on a custom Modpack setting.

What's expected:

For the Storage to not spawn new drawers and to keep the previously set definitions.

Log from clean installation



This should be fixed in the latest version.

As for the "another issue", that sounds like the "forceDetachedDrawersMaxCapacityCheck" config option is enabled. That option will prevent a removed drawer from being placed into a "bigger" one in terms of upgrade capacity. So you can check if that option is enabled -- it's disabled by default.


Thanks for the help!