Bug when storing heads (and wool)
agentgoblin opened this issue ยท 3 comments
When I store mob's heads in drawer, I have bug. Place one type of head (e.g. zombie head), then try place another head (e.g. skeleton skull) to same cell. Drawer cell contain only zombie heads. It's bad - I lost all Enderman heads from EnderIO after one missclick.
Minecraft ver. 1.7.10
Forge ver.
Storage Drawers ver. 1.2.1 (also work in 1.2.0)
How to reproduce bug:
1 Place in drawer cell head type A;
2 Place in same drawer cell head type B;
3 Extract heads type A:
4 Let's cry, you lose heads type B. :(
And with wool same problem. One colored wool can be placed in cell with another color.
I think it's one big issue with objects with one global ID.
I think it's actually an ore dictionary problem. I have to blacklist some entries because they represent a category rather than a specific object.