[1.11.2-4.2.6] Render desync when opening the upgrade UI
Imalune opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Expected behavior: When shift + right clicking the UI to open the upgrade menu, the upper center box should contain the items within the drawer.
Actual behavior: Content flashes momentarily then disappears. It also disappears from showing on the outside of the drawer. The content is still there and can be interacted with. When inserting a new item into the storage, the content will show back up.
Steps to reproduce: Shift + right click on a storage drawer to open the GUI.
I'm seeing this as well. Minecraft version 1.11.2. Running a Server, see this on the client.
Can confirm this too, only seems to happen when running on a server though, it works fine in SP.
Also the same issue storage drawers versions 1.11.2-4.2.8 and 1.11.2-4.2.9
forge version 2315.
Noted similar problem caused by harvestcraft - this problem occurs without that mod present.
Server only single player is fine.
No issues present in server (or client) logs.
Actual Status: Bug Happens as told
Forge version: forge-1.11.2- (Client Side the Win version with Installer)
Storage Drawers: StorageDrawers-1.11.2-4.2.10
Chameleon: Chameleon-1.11.2-3.1.0
Other Mods installed: none (now, finally)
It also happens if I throw 128 Vanilla items in it.
Tried now forge-1.11.2- - Bug still happens.
The Items reappear if you:
- reconnect
- put an item into the drawer (just the slot which is updated)
- lower the number of items in a drawer to a max of 127
- update the drawer with the Quantify or Concealment key
PS.: (End of Edit orgy)
I edited this post often, but I tried almost everything now I also checked if all drawers have the same problem the only I haven't checked now are the framed ones, so it seems so far to be a generic problem.
//Edit end
Hi I got the same issue, with one difference: 127
I tried throwing a few cobblestones in my drawer when the image suddenly disappeared...
the "limit" for this bug is the magical number 127.
I took everything except 128 cobbles out of the drawer, shift clicked the drawer (to open the ui) and the icon vanished. Then I took 1 cobble out (now there are 127 left) nothing happened, shift clicked the drawer again and the icon suddenly appeared.
So once you got just 127 items in a Drawer everything seem to work fine.
PS.: Great mod!
PPS.: You can work around this bug by dropping 1 item in (temporarily and if it isn't full) until you try to open the ui again.
Forge version: forge-1.11.2- (Server side)
Storage Drawers: StorageDrawers-1.11.2-4.2.10
Chameleon: Chameleon-1.11.2-3.1.0
Other mods installed:
AppleCore, AppleSkin, BaseMetals, binocular, BiomesOPlenty, buildcraft, chiselandbits, compatlayer, CTM-MC, DynamicLights, Dynmap-2.4 forge, EndMetals, hopperducts, HungerInPeace, JRFTL, Mantle, NetherMetals, OreSpawn, Pam's Harvestcraft, TConstruct, theoneprobe, tombstone, UndergroundBiomeConstructs, zz-backpacks
I can verify this issue also exists for:
Minecraft: 1.11.2
Storage Drawers: 4.2.10
Other mods installed:
Crafting Tweaks 7.1.9
Gravestone 1.7.4
Inventory Tweaks 1.62
Journey Map 5.4.7
Lunatrius Core
More Overlays 1.12
WAILA 1.7.1
WAILA Harvestability 1.1.10