Storage Drawers Unlimited

Storage Drawers Unlimited


Project: Vibrant Journeys maple drawers not in the game

IronPiston opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Project Vibrant Journeys has 13 different plank types, one of which is maple. The other 12 exist, but the drawers for maple specifically do not exist. Attempting to spawn in the drawer with the expected name (storagedrawersunlimited:basicdrawers_pvj_maple) doesn't work either.

Chameleon: 4.1.3
Project Vibrant Journeys: 1.6.3
Storage Drawers: 5.3.5
Storage Drawers Unlimited: 1.3.0


It looks like it only has Natura maple trees. Forestry maple trees aren't included either.

I suspect this is because if you have multiple mods with maple planks, the recipes would conflict as all maple planks have the same ore dictionary tag.