Storage Drawers

Storage Drawers


[1.16.5] Storage Drawers Losing Items After Being Moved by Bag of Yurting

ironrosabel opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Storage Drawers Version: 1.16.3-8.5.1
Bag of Yurting Version: 1.16.4-
Forge Version: 1.16.5-36.2.23

Pastebin Link to Stacktrace

Steps to Reproduce:
Place down a storage drawer
Fill with items and/or upgrades
Pick up and place down using a Bag of Yurting
Interact with storage drawer

Expected behavior:
Upon placing the storage drawer down, it should have all the same data it did before it was picked up.
Actual behavior:
The drawer loses a significant amount of data. Drawers with upgrades delete all but one item from inside. Drawers with no upgrades lose all stored items. Shift-right-clicking a drawer displays an upgrade in the stored item slot, or no item at all and shuffles the player's inventory around. This shuffling is purely visual and everything returns to normal upon opening certain menus, such as a crafting menu.

I spoke with Commoble, the developer of Bag of Yurting, and they told me:
"bag of yurting doesn't work very well with really complicated blockentities, it's probably best just to blacklist storage drawer blocks in bag of yurting's blacklist tags and avoid yurting them"
"I don't think it can be fixed on either without substantially rewriting one mod or the other"

As a result, I am not expecting this issue to be fixed, I just am reporting this issue to provide documentation on it. If any other information on my end is requested, I will do further investigation and testing.