Storage Drawers

Storage Drawers


MoreChickens XP orb not inserting into StorageDrawers Drawer Controller

PhoenixRiver opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Description of the issue:

I have a Chickens / MoreChickens / Hatchery setup with hens in Hatchery Nesting Pens with a dropper underneath that drops the things the hens lay onto an ImmersiveEngineering conveyor belt system that then tried to insert them into a StorageDrawers Drawer Controller. This all works perfectly (once I filter out the eggs) except for the MoreChickens XP Chicken's XP Orbs which travel along the conveyor belt system perfectly fine but then turn into actual Vanilla Minecraft xp spots at the point the XP Orbs are inserted into the Drawer Controller and then just sit on the last conveyor bumping into the controller. I should note that XP Orbs can be manually stored in StrorageDrawers Drawers by right clicking, it is only the Drawer Controller automated method that is a problem.

Versions & Modlist:

Minecraft: 1.12.2
Forge: forge1.12.2-
Chickens: chickens-6.0.3
MoreChickens: morechickens-1.12.2-3.1.0
Hatchery: hatchery-1.12.2-2.1.2
StorageDrawers: StorageDrawers-1.12.2-5.3.4
ImmersiveEngineering: ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-76

P.S. I'm just updating to the latest versions of StorageDrawers and ImmersiveEngineering of these but none of them included anything in their change logs to say anything might have changed the above problem.


Apologies, my bug report was erroneous... it seems the problem is not the XP item (from the MoreChickens mod) being inserted into the StorageDrawers Drawer Controller block.

  1. The XP item can be put into a hopper and inserts correctly into a vanilla Minecraft Chest block.
  2. The XP item can be right click inserted correctly into a StorageDrawers Drawer block.
  3. The XP item can be put into a hopper and inserts correctly into a StorageDrawers Drawer block.
  4. The XP item can NOT be put into a hopper and "inserted" correctly onto an ImmersiveEngineering Conveyor block. The vanilla Hopper block drops vanilla Minecraft XP "things"/orbs (not item or block) onto the Conveyor block which appears to correctly move them along to other Conveyor blocks (I'm impressed this works at all! Nice! :)

I can test more configurations if that would help but it appears that the problem for the MoreChickens XP item lies at the interface between the vanilla Minecraft Hopper block and the ImmersiveEngineering Conveyor block.

My suspicion is that, as suggested by @GenDeathrow (MoreChickens mod owner), the Hopper block is "throwing" the XP item at the Conveyor block except that this doesn't cause a problem with Chest or Drawer blocks so it seems to be an issue with the Conveyor block?

As I said, if there are any more tests I can perform that might be of help I'm happy to...

P.S. I've posted this to the bug reports made to all three of StorageDrawers, ImmersiveEngineering and MoreChickens as well as closing the one for StorageDrawers as it appears that is not the issue. I'll try to be more careful next time, apologies.